“I am a dreamweaver. I walk between realms and open doorways, allowing information to be shared with compassion and to be understood without fear. I am not here for performance or perfection. I am here to be a clear channel for higher guidance.”
– Farnaz N. Reneker
Sessions with Farnaz.
Spiritual Counsel + Guidance
Whether you are seeking clarity, deeper access to your intuition, or expanding your toolkit for your journey of growth and evolution, Farnaz acts as a conduit for information to be shared between your human self and your limitless higher self and spirit guides.
Co-create with your soul and spirit guides as you receive insight and higher wisdom – guided by your intentions and aspects of your life path requiring your attention at the time of the session.
Recommended for finding clarity, flowing through transitions with more grace, and embracing the adventure of the unknown.
In-person or online 60 minutes/$180 or 30 minutes/$90
Harmonic Resonance Healing
A powerful and transformative session designed to clear, balance, and harmonize your body’s energy system and reconnect you to your true essence.
This session is facilitated by a variety vibrational healing modalities with a focus on live acoustic sound (tuning forks, crystal and Himalayan singing bowls, gongs, and other shamanic instruments). Through her gift of clairaudience, Farnaz uses sound as a tool to assess your energy centers (chakras) and energy field (aura) to clear and rebalance your energy system.
Recommended for an energetic reset and recalibration.
In-person 60 minutes/$222
Soul Journey into the Cosmic Web
An inner journey to reconnect with your divine essence and step into your divine power – guided by live acoustic sound, advanced energy modalities, and channeled guidance.
This session begins with the use of live acoustic sound to clear and balance your energy centers (chakras) and energy field (aura) – similar to a Harmonic Resonance Healing session. Once your energy system is reset, your physical and energy bodies receive activation and upgrades through color frequencies, light codes, and sacred geometry. The session culminates with you in a state of deep rest, as Farnaz channels the essence of your soul's wisdom – communicated in signs, symbols, and verbal insights.
Recommended for a full energetic upgrade and activation of higher frequencies.
In-person 90 minutes/$333
Dreamweaving Journey
Explore your multi-dimensional nature by reconnecting to your authentic self – beyond roles, labels, conditioning, or circumstances.
As you expand the reconnection and remembrance of your true nature, you find a deeper awareness of self and the empowerment to co-create a future that is in alignment with your soul's journey.
This session is customized to meet the specific needs of the individual – guided by live acoustic sound, advanced energy modalities, and channeled guidance.
Recommended for individuals who have already worked through major emotional and mental challenges and seeking spiritual and consciousness expansion.
In-person duration and pricing varies/$660+
Client Experiences.
“Farnaz creates an incredibly safe and supportive space for spiritual exploration. She is thorough and informative before the session, and her deep connection with her guides and inner knowing is evident throughout. With her guidance, I was able to release fear and gain confidence for deeper self-exploration & connection to loved ones who’ve passed on — I highly recommend her to anyone seeking trusted spiritual support.”
“A powerful and transformative session to learn more about my gifts, my ancestors, and the path forward into a deeper level of healing.”
“Farnaz is a clear vessel and with a unique connection to Spirit. She was able to offer detailed and coherent information unlike any I have received from previous readings. She immediately tapped into the grief that I had been holding onto for lifetimes and assisted with tools to release it for good.”
“Each of our sessions has been unique and profound. Farnaz has access to insights and information from a higher source. At times the meaning of the information takes time to reveal itself and at times it is immediately understood. She has helped me move past pain and fear, understand the value of difficult things happening in my life, and operate from a higher, trusting perspective. My time with Farnaz is invaluable – she is a force.”
“The session helped my heart, body, mind, and spirit relax into the flow of life and reconnect to the true essence of my being. Farnaz held a safe, warm, expansive and accepting space to explore the deeply resonant insights that came through. It was a beautiful and meaningful experience.”
“Farnaz provided a safe, grounded space to tap into meaningful parts of my life. The session was a catalyst for deep healing and accessing higher states of compassion. It was also beautiful to connect with my pet that passed on recently, who expressed an openness to reunite with me. I left the session feeling renewed, with a sense of direction and knowing that I am not alone and very protected on my journey.”
“Working with Farnaz has been the most effective way for me to realign with my center and reconnect to my soul – a true gift.”
“Farnaz possesses a remarkable gift to connect with loved ones who have crossed over. The information shared in our session was a profound experience that has positively impacted my healing journey. Farnaz's ability to guide with such clarity is a testament to her exceptional gift. To say I am grateful for this experience is an understatement.”
About Farnaz.
Mystic, Vibrational Healing Facilitator, Channel for the Divine Feminine
Farnaz is committed to the expansion of consciousness through authentically sharing her gifts. Her mission is to create environments and experiences where others may reconnect to their own center, embody their true essence, and serve the evolution of consciousness in their own unique ways.
Training & Certifications: Ancient Wisdom, Sound Healing Master, Energy Healing, Shamanic Journeys, Intuitive Development, Mediumship, Channeling
Visit ABOUT US page for Farnaz’s full bio.