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  • Wellspring 88 1612 South Catalina Avenue Redondo Beach, CA, 90277 United States (map)

Past Life Regression Hypnotherapy: Tap into your Soul’s Wisdom

Facilitator: Matt Magana

In this transformative session, journey into the depths of your subconscious through the powerful practice of past life regression hypnotherapy. By accessing the memories of past incarnations, you can uncover hidden wisdom, release deep-seated patterns, and gain profound insights into your current life’s challenges and purpose.

The session begins with a guided breathing exercise and meditation, designed to deeply relax both your body and conscious mind. This relaxation process creates the perfect state for connecting with the subconscious, allowing you to access memories and experiences from past lifetimes. As you enter a peaceful, meditative state, your conscious mind steps aside, and you are gently guided to explore past lives that may hold the keys to understanding recurring patterns, relationships, fears, or unexplained emotions that influence your present-day life.

By experiencing a past incarnation, you may discover valuable lessons, unresolved karma, or unresolved emotional imprints that are influencing your current journey. Whether these revelations come in the form of vivid memories or symbolic imagery, each experience is an opportunity for healing, clarity, and self-discovery.

Past life regression can illuminate why certain behaviors or relationships seem to repeat, or why certain fears or blockages continue to arise. Understanding the soul’s journey across multiple lifetimes can bring a sense of deep healing, offer clarity, and empower you to release limiting beliefs or emotional baggage that no longer serve you.

This session is not only an exploration of past lives but also a doorway to a deeper understanding of your soul’s evolution. With each journey, you’ll gain the tools to align more closely with your soul’s purpose, embrace healing, and live with greater awareness of the wisdom that resides within you.

What to expect:

  • Guided breathwork & meditation

  • Reflection/journaling

  • Bring a journal and pen. Recommended: eye mask, small pillow and blanket.

$50 member / $55 non-member (by 4/1) / $60 (after 4/1) – reservation required due to space limitation

March 28


April 10